
Dream Haven: A Base

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A base
“Oh man, Minako, I can’t we found this base so quickly!” Elsa looked around at the new base they had found. She thought it would take all day to find. Funnily enough, it wasn’t that far away from Alexie street. She began to investigate the base and found several objects a post apocalyptic survivor would need. A reloading bench, bow making kit and even several survivor manuals.

Minako, a local Korean-Japanese girl, investigated the area as well, “Man this guy was something else. I mean….a prepper that thought a nuclear war was coming at any moment and forgot about this place.” She chuckled as there were pieces of posters still around, mostly talking about fallout hitting Dream Haven or the coming communist menace.

Elsa walked around and found another room. “Well now, look at this. I didn’t even think I would find this.” She sighed “Man, I guess a lot of people are some idiots. Now I believe we are just lucky.” She opened the door to another room and found an advanced power source. It looks like it's composed out of a source that her sister had begun to experiment, Exelerium. “Now look at this now.”

Minako walked forward and began to see that sort of energy source, “Wow that is dang fascinating. I mean...who really does make that?”

“People who are paranoid and apart from some secret government program. Looking around this base, it seems to make a paranoid jerk. Still, I think we can use this well.” Elsa looked around and seen a sign over a door. It was a door that said, ‘Armory.’ She began to sneak open the door, “This is going to be dang cool…”

Minako had begun to giggle a bit. “I wonder what we will find here? Maybe a death machine.” She looked about and was ready to unsheathe her bokuto.

Inside the room was a rather mundane view. It had a few weapons. It was rather a german-centric set. It contained a Mauser Kar98K bolt action rifle, P38 pistol,  MP40 submachine gun and an STG-44 assault rifle. In this airtight environment. It was all perfectly preserved. Regretfully, Elsa had a basic understanding of the Kar98K bolt action rifle due to her familiarity with her grandfather's rifle; everything else seemed so strange and unique.

There was a letter glued on the wall which made Elsa chuckle. Its last sentence contained ‘fucking commie bastards! I tried to trick them to get the good stuff, but instead, they give me WW2 German crap! Fuck them! I will find other means to avoid the Apocalypse.’

“Well Minako, I think that he was crazy alright, trying to get the communists to assist him. He must be something. Still, I love all these guns; they make me drool.” Elsa looked at the weapons as if they were tools or even a porn magazine. It made her somewhat weird at first.

Minako smacked Elsa in the back of her head, “Get your head out of your Call of Duty ass! Besides, I wish that I could use the false version of these in a cosplay convention with your sister.” She shook her head for a moment “Nonetheless. Look at all this; this could start your superhero beginning. Besides the only thing worse are those bad guy WW2 guns.”

Her eyes sparkled “Oh wow you would be adorable if you could make a can make a bow right?”

Elsa giggled and thought ‘man she is kinda cute when her eyes sparkle like that. She sighed as she pats her shoulders, “Well yeah, I can. It's what I was taught how to do, and it's my role in the family. Besides, it's my gut feeling it's what I am going to do when I go to Thor's shop.”

Minako then nods, “Of course, you don’t need to rely on guns. Besides, how about you use some of your knows how to get things done.” She looked around and found some more modern ports, “Weird...modern electrical plugs.”

Elsa looked around and seen a living area with a tv and a rather plain couch that show its age. “Alright then, I am putting my defenses up, something's not right here. We are being given too much stuff at once. It's obviously a trap.”

Minako unsheathed her Bokuto and was ready to go, “Well, I don’t know. This place doesn’t have a trapped feeling to it. It's like it's a handout. Man, that stings a bit more.”

Elsa sighed and focused, “Alright...let me do something.” She focused and allowed her eyes to glow. In an instant, the young girl was replaced by a strong young man. He had a serious face with long hair and feminine eyes. Esau has returned.

Esau looked about and said “Minako, follow me. Let's get back to the armory. I need to arm myself. Something is not right here.” He walked around with Minako tailing him. Secretly he thought ‘still cute as always. Nonetheless, it's how it is.’

He walked over to the armory and seen a hologram waiting. It was a rather old man with white hair on top of his head. He seemed to have a suit on him as a symbol for an angel.

The Old Man smiled at the two young people in the room. “It seems that I finally found two young people that had bothered to believe the post I put in that forum those many years ago. It took a while, but now it's time. Shame that it took place after my death.”

Esau and Minako just watched him speak.

The Old Man continued, “My name is Charles Wortegem. A local billionaire and well obviously a prepper in the past. I wanted to help a new set of heroes to start out. It seems that my dream might come true. Here is an area that will give you everything you need to start out. It's a shame that I can’t meet you in person. This place is full of secrets, and you will find more additions over time as you make upgrades. I understand I am very much taking a chance by letting you use this base. You could be a hero or a villain, but that is simply fate. Now, take care. It's your life and its your future.”

The hologram ends and leaves the two alone. Esau sighed “I swear this is very insane. I guess we have a base officially. Strange. It's like fate had us come here and lately, I have been lucky.” He began to look around, “besides, we need to figure out how we are going to hide this from our relatives.” He felt a bit warmer, “Especially since this is the first time I have been male in a bit so my...uh...hormones are going overdrive right now. I don’t want to be alone with a cute girl…”

Minako smirked as she snuggled up, “Oh really? Especially all alone in a base? Come on this is the best time to do it and we are alone Esau. Besides, how long are you going to stay like that? I often wonder what you are holding up from me.”

Esau blushed as he began to walk out of the base, “I uh...uh….can only stay like this for an hour.” He glanced as he seen a good looking fellow across the street. He began to blush as well, ‘Dammit, I have a suddenly sexy Minako and now….this…I fucking hate myself sometimes; I have these attractions with boys and gals. Shit...I am a badass, not some fag.’

Esau sighed as he focused on Minako, “Alright, I am going to focus on you for this hour. Let me send you out at an appropriate hour.” He laughed a bit, “It will be fun. Besides, I rather not do anything whatsoever.”

Minako looked at him “You are so lame, besides we gotta go, and we'll find the appropriate costumes for this new set of rules. I mean we are now as a team, and thus, you are the sidekick! I am the real hero! Imagine me.” She began to spin, “The great Ms. Black Warrior! The fighter that everyone will remember in the world!”

Esau sighed as he walked by her, “Really? One we didn’t see action today thus you wouldn’t be a warrior. Besides, let's say I don’t take you as the leadership figure. If we become a hero team, I am going to be the leader of everything. Hell, let's say I’m several steps ahead of you.”

“Besides, the warrior time is coming soon. Besides, tomorrow...let's check if we can find out if I won that sword.”

“How about if I get you to pork me as your handsome dude self?” Minako chuckled but seemed to at least be partially serious.

“Still. If you do something awesome I might...still It will be weird. You are like my best friend, and it's like fucking my pillow. You are like a sister to me. Heck, sometimes I have to take care of you like one.” Esau seemed to keep himself under restraint and in the utmost control. “Besides I want to wait until I am married.”

Minako rolled her eyes “Oh god Esau you are a prude as usual. Maybe you gotta love a little bit. I just gotta wait an hour. I am curious if Elsa is willing to live unlike you.”

“I pray that you are right.” Esau kept on walking feeling guilty for a moment, but he didn't know why.

He could only sigh. His arm was in pain again. “I guess being a man is only a dream. It looks like I am becoming Elsa again.” In a moment, Elsa came back.

Minako laughed as she came back. “I swear you treat that form like it's a curse. Why don't you see it as a gift?” She giggled “Besides, we can hang out, and we sorta have school tomorrow. I know that it's going to be rough. I mean you gotta wear a school uniform again. Still, don’t let your situation change you.”

Elsa blushed some more “What do you mean? This situation is not changing me! I mean, I hate being this form alright.”

Minako walked forward some more. "You are ignorant sometimes Esau. You have to live with yourself. Besides, I noticed you didn’t have that much pain spasms like this. Maybe you were born like this. I can imagine you a little princess disguised as a prince.”

Elsa looked down, “You made things much more confusing alright. I don’t know...I want to look like a guy. I mean, I was raised as a guy and well. I had to be strong for my family and friends. That means self-sacrifice.”

Minako kept walking until she stopped at a bulgogi spot, “I don’t know if you are saying self-sacrifice or trying to run from your problems. Have you ever taken care of yourself or actually think of what you want?”

“I...I…” Elsa was speechless. She was a creature who thought of herself as a servant. Right now, she didn’t know...she  didn’t know.

Minako snickered, “Now let's eat. Remember, I am a rich girl, so it's on me. So eat up it's a hot pot place.”

The next day

The school is beginning to start and become alive again. Today, it was more or less club day. Several clubs were taking hold that ranged from martial arts club, the archery club, sword clubs, knitting clubs, anime clubs and many others.

Elsa walked in the grounds ironically with a bow and arrow, a curved sword and a mock rifle with a bayonet set in a case. She was tackling with a rather short skirt and her girls’ uniform, “Dammit, why did I have to grow a few inches. My legs are longer than crap. I wanted to find a way to lay low…”

She had a deep blush on her face. She thought ‘Dammit, I am turning into a much more hotter this is wrong!’ She sighed as she gulped. She was going to show some aspects of Morning Star Martial Arts. Perfect...perfect. It was her family, yes. But she didn’t identify as her family.

Yeah, they were assassins well maybe in the past they were, but she was not sure right now. “Maybe, I have been searching everywhere for an answer. I don’t know….”

She sighed. It was her family that forced her to live as a young man….’why didn’t I...explore me some more…’

“I need to fucking…..stop. I need to breathe.” Elsa stopped in a more isolated place. She put down what she was carrying.

“Dammit. Dammit.” She was thinking of everything. Her family...everyone. She was a great granddaughter of a famous Indian War Ashkii Nadleehi...wait did she say, granddaughter? She meant to think grandson. It didn’t matter. She was even a daughter of two heroes, Ultra Nurse and The Light Man and she got the shitty powers of the bunch. What was so good about changing genders? Especially now that you are stuck as a, she never thought she would be.

Elsa began to do a stable pose. It was an ancient pose that was supposed to reflect the way Coyote is about to grab his prey. She then began to do several punches that flown with each other and was each a deliberate injury. “I like this style sometimes...I don’t know why...I bothered to learn the other fighting arts…”

She thought deeper not noticing the small crowd surrounding her. ‘Why do I bother? Why does it matter? Am I that lucky? It's like that I have been? Do I even have a purpose?” She took out the Morning Star Blade and practiced the form of the Eagle stances and opened her eyes. “Oh, crap…”

People were around her and made comments most of them awed, “Wow...look at that beautiful girl one man said….she is like an epic girl fighter. I bet the other fighters are the same.”

Elsa had a laugh and sheathed her sword and walked off, “Sorry about that! I need to leave.” She tried to walk off as fast as possible. She sighed “Perfect, perfect, perfect. I hate when this happens. I just want to be alone but no….I have to do this stupid shit.”

Elsa ran off she finally was able to get back to her stand. “Alright, focus on the presentation. Nothing more, nothing less.” Elsa finally ran to her booth. In it were several martial artists her age. All of them, the best of their craft that volunteered to show off their skills.

Elsa stood still and waited her turn. She witnessed master after master perform. She had to win this. She must win. The announcement then came for the right moment, “Abraham, come over and present your mastery.” She was sworn she felt nervous as she went to the pedestal, the other young masters were kneeling and waiting for Elsa to do her exhibition. She did a pose, “Alright…”

Elsa closed her eyes and felt a breath of fresh air go through her. She began to use the arts that she was taught. She felt the flow of her stances again, Eagle, Crow, Shash, Coyote and so on. It was like seeing a dream. Each step was practiced and made sure that it was what she wanted to show.  

She opened her eyes again and heard a loud applause. It was intoxicating, and everything was perfect. “Perfect.” Everything wasn't perfect.

From a distance, a woman in a Navajo bun and a sinister but caring smile was watching. She had a very sensual nature about her and eluded sexuality despite wearing a t-shirt and sweats. “Not bad.”

Elsa sighed “Dammit. Why did my aunt have to appear.” She went down the podium to meet her aunt, Tohatchi. She approached her and asked “Shima Yazhe (Aunt), how did I do? I have it my all in the situation I had. The crowd loved it.”

“I don't know,” Tohatchi thought for a moment. “I see it differently. Your stance was off my several millimeters. You need to point your feet a bit more and keep it much more solid. You have a destiny greater than yourself. Now Elsa, act like you have that skill and show it to the world. You may have the name Abraham, but you are a Morning Star. You must strive for perfection.”

Elsa simply bowed “I understand. I will work to improve everything that I can do to improve.” She seemed to be calm as possible, but instead, she had other thoughts. ‘Just like last last time. I...just need to go further.’

Tohatchi looked at Elsa in her eyes. “To be honest, even though I don’t mind having another girl in the house. Your skills are much worse than when you were Esau. I take it that the doctor said something you didn't like.”

“I….I….just have to learn…” Elsa was trying not to cringe or say anything disrespectful to her aunt. But…’It wasn't my fault. It's my goddamn bodies fault. I am...a failure... ‘

Her thoughts ran wild. She sighed “Very well. I will begin training forthright.” She walked away “I am going to leave for the day. I already know I won this event.”

She did win; she won first place. It could never be enough, ‘It's never enough, not for my family.’

Her only guard against this madness is the base. It was still there in a constant state of affairs, and it was basic. She walked down there alone and entered it again. It was simple, yes but it had hope. Hope she is trying to find, “I guess this will be my second home. A place, I can be myself.”

She chuckles to herself, “Maybe. I can be a real dragon, a true warrior. I don’t want to be a follower to anyone. I hope my aunt and uncle try to say no to me here. I might as well be the great headman of old or Joan of Arc. That would be cool.”

Elsa felt anything can be cool if she didn’t have to listen to her family.

The end
Yet, another story of Elsa Abraham finding a base for her and her friend Minako. She then deals with her family matters. I hope you enjoy its fun. 
It has a bit of genderbendering as a warning. Still, its fun and has martial arts and drama! Please come and enjoy! Also I hope you enjoy your base spelunking! The world is in :icondream-havenda: and the characters all belong to me. 
© 2017 - 2024 SebastiansSire
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